Monday, October 22, 2012

New Beginnings

Where do I begin? It’s been far too long since I shared my work on this blog, and a lot has changed in both my professional and personal life since my last post.

First, I have been promoted to Executive Editor of the Midweek Wire, a weekly newspaper that circulates throughout Bucks and Montgomery counties. I absolutely love my new position, and have been discovering so many exciting people and organizations throughout these communities.

Secondly, I have relocated from my apartment in the Fairmount section of Philadelphia to my home sweet home and am now once again living in Northeast Philly. While living in Fairmount, I was robbed three times in three months. The first was the worst and in addition to losing laptops and jewelry, one of my most prized possessions — my Nikon D300 — was swiped as well.

Due to having my camera stolen and moving from the city to the suburbs, I have not been posting nearly as much as I should but hopefully that will no longer be an issue. I am shooting once again, thanks to an amazing company-owned camera, and am thrilled to once again share my work. I love feedback. Please contact me anytime at